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如何付款/How To Pay
Hi! 謝謝您的預約!
由於網站目前沒有接受線上付款, 以下為付款方式. 請記得在閱讀或是截圖後再次點選旁邊的"完成預約", 來確保您的上課名額:)
如果您在台灣, 您有以下2種方式來完成您的付款:
1. 轉帳 (pay by ATM)
台北富邦銀行 (銀行代號012)
帳號.: 340 1688 26260
轉帳後可以email直接回覆您預約確認信, 或是在LINE/IG讓我知道您的匯款帳號末5碼, 以及您的預約時間.
請先加入Kat老師的LINE以完成您的 LINEPAY
Kat老師的 LINE ID is: coca1117
如果您在國外, 我會替您安排PayPal付款.
**Please click on the "完成預約Book" button again to book your spot.
If you are in Taiwan, there are two options to complete your payment.
1. Pay By ATM
Taipei Fubon Bank-Bank Code 012
Account no.: 340 1688 26260
After sending the fund please let me know the last 5 digits of your bank account, by replying to the confirmation email, or LINE/IG message.
Please add me as a LINE friend, and send the fund via LINEPAY
My LINE ID is: coca1117
**If you are not currently in Taiwan, and would like to pay by PayPal, please let me know by replying to the confimation email, or LINE/ IG message, I will send you a payment link.